Monday, November 14, 2005

Cindy's Progress #3

I just looked at the calendar and began counting from the first Saturday of training. This weekend will mark the 13th Saturday to train. Wow. It just doesn't seem like that much time has passed.
Since my last progress report, we worked our mileage up to 10 miles. It took about three hours and twenty minutes to do. The cooler weather has really helped alot. I only had a few minor problems. The weekend that we walked our first nine-miler, I came home with blisters. I think my socks had been too thick and were creating too much friction. It had hit me around the seventh mile and I still had two miles to go. No fun. But other than that, my legs ached a little bit. I have come to rely on a couple of ibuprofen before my long Saturday walks!
We had to "recommit" a couple of weeks ago. It is the half-way point in the training and fundraising. It is time for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training to make all the arrangements for the marathon, i.e. entry fees, hotel room, etc. For those fortunate enough to have raised their goal, it was just a matter of signing some forms. For others, it was a time to guarantee the remainder of their fundraising. Because of you and your support, I was pleased to be able to say I'd completed my fundraising!
We have about nine weeks of training to go. We completed the training at Lost Creek Park and have now moved on to the levees of Sugar Land! The terrain is different of course. Thus we have decreased our mileage to adjust to the grassy, sometimes muddy un-even surface. We make this transition to the levees as a way to help strengthen our ankles. I can also say the softer surface might help with the blisters! It's a new experience..!
Once again thank you for all your kind words and continued support!
Till next time~

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