Tuesday, July 26, 2005

3 mph....a snails pace?!

I clocked myself for the first time last week. I walked my mile and a half in thirty minutes. That would put me at three miles per hour. I hope by October I can work my way to 4 miles per hour....(this is my first attempt at goal setting). Don't laugh. I'm carrying alot of extra weight here. Think of a skinny person walking with fifty lb weights on each leg...

Under the circumstances...I think I'm doing great!


Unknown said...

Hey, you are doing great, that's awesome! I'm a racewalker and I started out with Team in Training. I'm signed up to be a mentor here in Dallas for the next season. Keep up the good work. There are several walking groups here in Texas and some great online walking communities, so if you'd like any more information feel free to e-mail me.

PS My wife is a Leukemia survivor so we really appreciate what you are doing!

WalkSports.com said...

Cindy, I couldn't have said it any better than Marshall: "Keep up the good work."

More than two years ago, I was over 280 pounds and while I've dropped a fair amount of weight, I've been fortunate enough to run two marathons and do something that I now love to work at: running!

cindyt said...

thank you! thank you! thank you! really....thank you! i needed that!